With Land-rover finally rolling back their plans to commit to diesel cars, you might be wondering whether it’s finally time to start thinking about buying a hybrid yourself. You might think that, based on the focus of these cars in the media, the majority of the country is already driving one. But that’s not true, and actually last year 2 percent of car sales in the US were hybrids. Why are hybrids not as popular as they should be? Well, there are two contrasting factors at play here. The first is that gas is super cheap right now thanks to fracking technology that makes it cheaper to produce. Then there are the fully electric cars that become more affordable and practical every year, again with new advances in technology. That said, a hybrid is still the right decision if you’re buying a car and we have a few reasons why that’s the case. Best Of Both WorldsIf you’re completely car inept, don’t worry we can break down what a hybrid is in one sentence. It’s a mixture of an electric motor and a gas engine. There, all caught up. The difference between this and a fully electric car is that in a fully electric car, you only get the electric motor. That’s an issue because if you run out of electricity, it means that you’ll have to top up and depending on the car, it can take a lot more time than you’re used to. You might find that you’ll be sitting there for a few hours at the very least. Newer models are going to be charge a lot faster and might even charge while you’re driving them but they can be quite expensive, and we’ll talk about that a little further down. If you buy a hybrid, even if you run out of electric power, you can rely on the gas engine. That means that you can wait until you get home to your private charger before you need to stop to charge up that engine. Super Electric Cars Are Super ExpensiveIt’s true. If you’re thinking about buying a fully electric car, you probably don’t want the Nissan Leaf or a budget based electric car. Instead, you want a Tesla. Well, the cheapest Tesla kicks in at around 35K which might not seem too bad. But it won’t have any of the features that you’ve been reading about in-car blogs and heard about on the news that Tesla are known for. What you’re essentially getting is a fairly basic family car which might be fine. But you can get your hands on a hybrid that is far higher quality for a lower cost. Hybrids Will Save You On InsuranceShop around when you’re looking at insuring a hybrid car, and you’ll find that there are a lot of companies that will cheapen the deal for you. That means you can save money, time and hassle on auto insurance and you can make sure that you get the best deal. We all hate looking for insurance and finding that the monthly cost is going to rival that of a small car! Well, with a hybrid it won’t because insurance companies are happy to reward environmentally friendly drivers. You’re not saving the planet, you’re saving your bank balance It’s Just A Matter Of Time…Car buyers in the UK might want to avoid and perhaps even a petrol car. There are already plans for both to be eradicated from the market over the next twenty years. Now, twenty years is more than enough time to buy a car and sell it on but diesel could be banned or heavily taxed in certain areas of UK by the next five years. Is it possible that this type of move could happen in other countries like America? You bet it is…just maybe not under this presidency, though it’s never a bad idea to be ahead of the curve. The bottom line is that hybrids and electric cars are the future. There’s no other choice right now, they have to be. Number of cars on the roads are growing, the population keeps expanding and without a solution the environment will quickly become heavily polluted, particularly in major cities. In London and LA, this is already starting to happen. Buying a hybrid will make you part of the solution. A Range Of ChoicesSure in the past, you were confined by choice if you decided to buy a hybrid. But that’s not the case anymore. Every major car producer now has a hybrid on sale for you to choose to purchase. Even Landrover, the infamous gas guzzler company is ready to take this step, so there’s no excuse. It’s in your best interest to go out and get your hands on a hybrid today.